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2309 Main Street - Our NEW Home!

2309 Main Street used to be a massage and spa called Tao Healing Arts. When I first walked by the location, I didn’t think I would love it as much as I do. I had been into the reception area before, but I had never gotten a massage there (but I heard they were fabulous). In my mind, it seemed small, narrow and dark, so when I decided to take a tour, I had to put my thinking cap and imagination cloak on.

The space was split into 6 small massage rooms and as I walk thru the narrow long hallway, it did seem dark, but there was still something about it that spoke to me. I could see that the main walls created 2 perfect larger spaces (I thought bookstore and activity room). There was also a small back room (I saw a free play area) and the selling point… Nestled in the way back of the space was a 600 square foot enclosed courtyard (our event, community and outdoor play area)! All of a sudden I knew we had found the new Books and Cookies! It may have a very different shape and setup then our previous location, but the space itself will work perfectly for what we do. The vibe and energy of the space is positive and happy.

Now, that the small room walls have been taken down, it is surprisingly bright and airy. I also love that the building is red (if you’ve ever been in the old Books and Cookies you know I love the use of bold colors) and it’s on the corner and not lower level, where there would be people above our heads.

There is still work to do, but construction is well under way and we are working hard to bring Books and Cookies back to Main Street by early September! Stay tuned for updates, opening schedule and welcome back events!

By, Chudney Ross

Proud and enthusiastic owner

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