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Earth Day, Every Day

Earth Day is our annual reminder to slow down and appreciate the bounty of the earth. We encourage you to encourage your little ones to create objects from natural and recycled materials and spend more time outdoors- not ONLY on Earth Day, but regularly!

There are so many eco-friendly and nature-centric activities for you and your kids to enjoy together. We found some inspiration here. What did your family do to celebrate Earth Day? If you have stories or more ideas to share, please comment and share for our community of families!

Earth Day Activities with Recycled Materials

(Via Tinkerlab)

Looking for baby and toddler-friendly crafts? Here's a couple great ideas:

  • Mold "bodies" out of homemade playdough- remember, everytime we sign "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, and have a dance party, we're teaching your little ones about their body! They'll love squeezing the clay and rolling it into a round head. Once your stick figure is complete, take a photo! The image becomes the art to keep. Then your little one gets to squish and reuse the eco-friendly dough all over again :)

  • No mess paint sensory play (really!). We know you already wash and reuse your ziplock baggies in the kitchen until they're wrinkly and paper thin. Recycle some of your almost-kicked-the-bucket gallon sized ones for this activity. Tape the baggies to a countertop and put a few dots of brightly colored paint inside. Zip-closed (tight) with as little air inside as possible, then let your little rub the outsides of the bags! They'll delight in the texture and sensation of running their hands over the paint, and watcing the colors blend. Use smaller baggies with single primary colors, and larger baggies to mix colors. You can even chill or heat some of the paint for temperature differences. Once you're all through with the sensory activity, you have home-mixed paints ready to use in another project!


By Samantha, Store Manager

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