3 Easy Ideas for Sensory Play
Babies are sponges and of course we want to make sure that we’re giving them great learning experiences. Toy companies spend millions of...

Musical Yoga Invite + Giveaway!
Hey Music with Jennifer fans! Books and Cookies has paired with yogitoes to bring you Musical Yoga with Jennifer! All attendees receive...

Sensory Play Inspiration
There's more to sensory stimulation than beads in a water bottle and bubble making. Though those are both pretty awesome, we've been...

Craft Projects for the Handsy Toddler
Browsing through Pinterest and our favorite kids blogs, we're consitantly saving great ideas for Crafty Kids activities and birthday...

Baby Play Date Invite + Giveaway!
Hey Baby Play Time goers and new friends! You're invited to our new BABY PLAY DATES in the park starting Thursday, June 19th! We’re...

Children's Book Week 2014!
This week marks the 95th anniversary of Children's Book Week! On May 12-18, 2014, celebrate a love of books and reading in your home and...

Mother's Day Books and More
"To the world, you may be one person. But to at least one person, you may be the world" Moms are amazing. They cheer us up when we're...